A question a day…

by Plant Your Growth

…to keep you focused. Sometimes what you need to move forward is not the answer – but a right question at a right time.

An unexamined life is not worth living

  1. If I could start one thing knowing it will succeed to bring me the life I desire, what would it be?
  2. What do I need to do to dissolve the fear that is holding me back?
  3. What habits do I need to adopt to get to the future I want to create?
  4. What is the ideal version of me, my alter ego?
  5. What is my definition of success?
  6. What stops me from going full speed ahead?
  7. What are my strengths?
  8. What makes me feel alive?
  9. In 10 years from now, how does happy me looks like?
  10. What are the areas / questions I am avoiding?
  11. If I could change one thing and have courage within myself, what would it be?
  12. If I had an absolute clarity on my purpose / mission, how would it look like in my daily life?
  13. What is out of my comfort zone?
  14. What new learning would be exciting enough to push me out of my comfort zone?
  15. Who is my support circle? What are these people and how can I describe my relationships with them?
  16. What are my 3 most important values?
  17. How does my self-image impact my life?
  18. Am I happy?
  19. What do I need to change to make a massive step towards my goal?
  20. How do I measure success? What is success for me?
  21. If my dream was my reality already, how would it look like?
  22. Where does my focus go? Where do I spend most of my time during the day?
  23. What drains my energy?
  24. What replenishes my energy?
  25. What is one harmful habit I need to change right now?
  26. Who would I take to a remote island? What qualities qualifies them for it?
  27. What am I ashamed of? What can I learn from this event so I can move on?
  28. What is my biggest secret? What thoughts or beliefs come up when I think of it?
  29. If I looked back at my life, what would be the most precious moments?
  30. If I only had a year to live and unlimited resources, how would it look like?
  31. What are the sources of my suffering?
  32. What are my addictions? What do they tell about me?
  33. What do I need for the best rest?
  34. What motivates me?
  35. What does your everyday tell about you to someone who doesn’t know you?
  36. What are the toxic people in my life? What keeps them in my presence?
  37. How does my best health look like? What do I need to change to get to it?
  38. What does my spending pattern say about me?
  39. What was the last time I conquered my fear? What was it and how did I do it?
  40. How did the adversity in my life shaped you?
  41. What would I like to learn next?
  42. What are my strengths?
  43. What am I passionate about?
  44. What are my behaviour patterns?
  45. What are my happiest moments? What does it say about me?
  46. What do I need to forgive myself?
  47. Who are my mentors (dead or alive) or people I’m learning from?
  48. If I opened a non-profit, what cause would it support?
  49. How would my friends describe me?
  50. If I was a character in a movie, what genre movie would it be?
  51. If I had to say words of encouragement to my younger self, what moment in the past would it be? What would I say?
  52. What is my motto?
  53. What are my rules in life?
  54. What do I say to myself when I’m about to give up?

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